Archives for: March 2008
Book Club 15 March 2008
March 17th, 20089 people turned up (7 in the photos) at our book club gathering and we talked about many things and we talked about 6 books
La sagesse des contes (buy from Amazon) by Alexandro Jodorowsky
The God Delusion (buy from Amazon) by Richard Dawkins
"I thi… more »
Book Club Gathering - 15 March 2008
March 3rd, 2008Date: Saturday, March 15, 2008
Time: 3:00pm - 5:30pm
Location:Epoch Coffee Bar
12-14 Wing Fung Street (near Pacific Place 3), Wan Chai, Hong Kong
If you enjoy reading and want to meet others who do, come to our gathering and bring along your favouri… more »