Movie: Shaolin Girl

Shaolin Girl, featuring Ko Shibasaki

Japanese movie produced by Hong Kong producer

1778 stories of me and my wife

A Japanese movie about a science author writing a story a day for his wife
who is dying of cancer...

Movie: Zatichi - The Last

One of my favourite movie series. Zatichi - The Last, as the name implies, is probably the last one of the series.
Synopsis: A blind master swordsman attempts to lead a quiet life with his wife but he is provoked back into battle.

Movie: Passion Play

Synopsis: An angel under the thumb of a ruthless gangster is saved by a trumpet player down on his luck.

Movie: V for Vendetta

Synopsis of the movie: A shadowy freedom fighter known only as "V" uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds his best chance at having an ally.

白夜行 Byakuyakou

Based on a Japanese fiction, a murder case was solved twenty years later...


Inside job

How Wall-Street brought down the world and was rewarded for it!

Don't let them get away with it!

挪威的森林 Norwegian Wood


I loved the book and the movie is not a bad adaptation at all.

Rinko's Restaurant

Rinko's Restaurant, Japanese, Drama

Food Inc
A revealing documentary about the food supply in the States (perhaps soon elsewhere too), highly concentrated food supply, genetically modified crops, hormone assisted growth in packed farm, the truth about processed food, packaged food on the shelves of Supermarket, control of seed supply.

Very disturbing and scary truth indeed, we should all be more careful with our choice of food and sure hope people will value the importance of natural rather than man-made!

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