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An Introduction to Modern European History 1890-1990

Posted by irene

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An Introduction to Modern European History, 1890-1990 (Access to History - Context S.) (buy from Amazon)
by Alan FarmerType: History
Author: Alan Farmer
My rating: 3
Book introduction:
Published by Hodder & Stoughton. Content covers:
1. The Domestic Scene 1890-1914
2. The Orgins of the First World War
3. The Impact of the First World War
4. The Soviet Union 1917-41
5. Germany 1918-39
6. Italy, Spain and France 1918-39
7. The Causes of the Second World War
8. The Second World War and the Holocaust
9. Europe and the Cold War 1945-90

My review:
It is a good book for students. The historiographical biography boxes, "points to consider" sections, "key issues" boxes, and source material help you to follow more easily.

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