Category: Charity
Stride for a Cure 2006 - Sun 5 Nov 2006
Hong Kong Cancer Fund suggested by Christina Tang --- Want to have a great day of fun & healthy exercise ?V and all for a good cause as well??
Stride for a Cure 2006, our annual charity walk for cancer research, will once again be held at the scenic the Tai Tam Country Park on Sunday, 5th November 2006.
Registration for the event has just started. Please rally the support of your colleague/ friends/ family to join in the fun! Simply click on the following link and register online or download the registration form from the event website: (English) (Chinese)
As there is a limit on the number of participants, ACT FAST to avoid disappointment!
REASON FOR HOPE - Dr. Jane Godall (Cantab)
Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey (buy from Amazon) by Phillip BermanDate: Tuesday 24th October 2006
Time: 6.30pm Reception and Book-signing
7-8pm Lecture;
8-8.30pm Q&A
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, the University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road
Please email to reserve your seats on or before October 21 (Sunday). The limited number of seats will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis.
About the lecture:
Dr. Goodall?¦s lecture will cover highlights from her groundbreaking research on our closest relative ?V the Chimpanzee ?V in Gombe, East Africa, which are still ongoing today after 45 years. She will also share with us her experience from the past 20 years, travelling on average 300 days a year to speak about the threats facing chimpanzees, other environmental crises and her reasons for hope that humankind will ultimately solve these. Along her way, she has met people from all walks of life from teachers and students, to world leaders and other prominent figures such the Emperor and Empress of Japan and Charles the Prince of Wales.
The Jane Goodall Institute (Hong Kong) General Education
Website: The University of Hong Kong
Email: Email:
Samuel Hung: 9800 8652 Tel: 2241 5044
Hannah Lee: 9820 1817