« Photos from Antarctica talk: 26 April 2008Hiking: Dragon's Back to Shek O, 12 April 2008 »

**FULL** Travel talk: Antarctica - The last unspoiled place on earth

**THIS EVENT IS FULL** Thank you for your response
Time and Date: 4-6pm Sat 26th April 2008
Place: 5/F, Wellington Plaza, 56-58 Wellington Street, Central (further up Wellington Street from the famous "Yung Kee") MAP

Capacity: 25 people
Fee: HK$ 50 to cover the rent
Please RSVP to reserve your place.

We would like to share with you our photos and stories during our trip to the Antarctica during Jan/Feb 2008. If you are interested in wildlife (such as Penguins and Seals), wonderful landscape and adventures, please come and join us on 26 April. Limited places, RSVP required.

**THIS EVENT IS FULL** Thank you for your response

Please reply Email by Fri 25 April 2008

1 comment

Comment from: Helen  

Please count me in. Thanks.

04/19/08 @ 22:26